WE DID THE EDINBURGH FRINGE FESTIVAL AND WE WERE A HIT!OUR HARD WORK AND YOUR BIG SUPPORT PAID OFF! The milestones we were able to achieve were huge!*First Minneapolis Performance Group in AHSTF 28 year history!*First Black Woman Director in the 28 year history of AHSTF Cohorts*First All Black Performance Cast*Winner of the “Cause To Stand For” award for having the MOST standing ovations and 4 packed shows (recognized by AHSTF)!*Made networking connections with Theater Professionals connected to Minneapolis!*One to three FREE College Credits earned for participation in the education programing they provide*Two weeks of amazing international travel to London and Edinburgh seeing Monuments and remembering the notable black people that contributed to that side of the world and beyond.*Co-Ownership of a play, and a Soundtrack that has been around the world!*Printed in 2 international publications.*Memories and achievements to last a lifetime.